海洋是孕育生命的宝库,居住着200多种神秘而奇妙的生物, 有“海上森林”--红树林,“海中草原”--海草床等,瑰丽海洋还有着奇妙的共生关系,如寄居蟹和海葵、鲨鱼和挂壁鱼、鳗鱼和清洁蟹...每一片海域都仿佛是一本等待被翻开的百科全书,充满了未知和惊喜。


Let's explore wonders of the ocean!













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范例1:Sea turtles

What hatches on land but spends its life in the sea? What starts out the size of Ping-Pong ball but can grow up to seven feet long?

A sea turtle!

Sea turtles are graceful swimmers in the water. Their flippers move like wings. Sea turtles travel the world in warm ocean waters. They are one of the few reptiles that live in the sea.

Munch, munch, what’s for lunch? Most sea turtles eat plants and animals. They dine on algae and sea grass. They also munch on crab and conchs. Jellyfish are a favorite food for many sea turtles. But plastic trash can look like jellyfish in the ocean, and that spells trouble! Swallowing trash can hurt and even kill turtles. Fishing nets and hungry animals can harm them, too.

Here are a few things you can do to keep them safe.

First, you can pick up trash on the beach. Second, don’t release balloons into the air. Third, read beach warning signs. Avoid turtle nesting areas.

范例2:Help each other in the sea

Many animals in the sea can help each other. They are very friendly to each other. Today I will show you two pairs of good friends.

Sharks and remoras are good friends. A shark needs to clean its skin clean. Many remoras like to suck a shark’s skin to get their food. They help each other. It is good for each other.

In the sea, we can see many beautiful corals. There are colorful crabs hiding in the beautiful corals. They are good friends, too. Corals need to keep clean and stop starfish feeding on them. Crabs are good helpers and they can shelter in the coral and clean it. And they can fight off starfish. It is good for each other.